
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, faculty, families, friends and honorable guests. It’s a great honor to stand here on behalf of the graduating class of 2013 IMBA of SUFE-Webster University and reflect on our feelings in this great moment of our lives.


And it’s a wonderful opportunity to take a few minutes to tell you what this period has been like for us and more importantly, to thank the people who have worked hard for the past 20 months, to make sure we make the most out of the experience.

As most of you are aware, the signing to enrolling in an MBA program is not an easy task. The people close to us recognize that it was an excellent way to lose weight because we have to give up sleeping late at weekends, endure many sleepless nights before handing in various assignments, presentations and preparing mid-exams, final exams. 

Kenney, Chase, Marshall and Ady: I was impressed by your group during the Organizational Behavior presentation, and was deeply moved by your serious attitude and professionalism and uniformed attire.Therefore, after thinking a hundred times this morning, I decided to follow your lead.

Outside the classroom, there’re colorful activities. In the second term of Millikin-SUFE “Doing Business In China” case competition, 10 international teams pulled every trick out of the bags to be the top team.
Jerry, Marshall, Lily, Chase: you did a great job! Although our team did not get the prize, just keep in mind, we are the No. 1 because we are the best.
课堂外的活动也丰富多彩。在上财开元体育第二届中、美高校MBA学生”Doing Business In China”案例比赛中,10支队伍各显神通。
Jerry, Marshall, Lily, Chas: 你们的表现超赞!尽管我们小组没有拿到名次,但是在我心里,我们小组就是第一名,因为我们是最棒的。

BOBO, Sally, Ray: our “stock market team” must persevere. Wish we apply what we learnt to keep making money in both bear and bull markets.
BOBO, Sally, Ray:我们的“股友会”要继续哦。预祝我们大家学以致用,不管熊市牛市都一直赚钱。

In all seriousness, I would say it’s a sheer determination, determination to learn and determination to push our limits individually and as a group, to improve our potentials.

Dear 2013 IMBA of SUFE-Webster University graduates, graduation is not an end. It’s the beginning of our new journey to pursue our dreams. I would like to congratulate and thank you all. Thank you for the memories, friendship and laughter.
亲爱的上海财经大学-韦伯斯特大学国际MBA 2013级毕业生们,毕业不是终点,而是起点。今天之后,我们都将开始追逐各自心中梦想的新旅程。在此,衷心的祝贺大家顺利毕业,也感谢大家,给彼此带来的宝贵的回忆、友谊和欢乐。

Thank you to all the professors for all their preparation, dedication and patience in teaching us. And we know it’s not easy for you. The concepts and tools that we have learnt will definitely help us approach in our professional and personal life in great maturity.

Many thanks to the people who worked behind the scene to bring SUFE-Webster University IMBA program to live. Thank you for all the contributions to us: for your time, energy, patience and all your hard work.

Our parents, spouses, siblings and all our beloved ones who are witnessing our graduation today, there’s no word that could express how thankful we are that we have you in our lives. Thank you for your support, encouragement, prayers and understanding.

Now last but important, today we are proud of SUFE and Webster University, tomorrow SUFE and Webster University will be proud of us! 
Best wishes to all. Thank you!



* 2015年上财国际MBA项目春季招生已经展开!春(I)入学考试:3月22日星期日,春(II)入学考试:5月17日星期日,6月份统一入学.