


Distinguished guests, beloved professors and dear friends,

Good afternoon!

It’s such an honor for me to be here as a graduate representative to deliver my graduation speech. This is Shen Yanli from Shanghai Sunrise Enterprise.

Two years ago, you and I, with the similar dreams, joined this SUFE family, who will celebrate her 100th anniversary this year. We spent 80 weekends hard working together, and also got to know and support each other.

Today, with all the efforts and supports from our SUFE iMBA office and professors, we are celebrating our graduations of SUFE Webster iMBA program, with our family members and friends.
Congratulations, my fellow classmates! We made it! Thank all the professors and our dear officers!

In the past two years we witnessed the explosion and fast development of the Internet+ concept, while the traditional industries have to be upgraded. We faced a slow developing economy with capital shortages in many industries. Are we ready for the economy transition?

Two weeks ago, I listened to a report about Internet and traditional industries. I was inspired by the words: The distance in the world is not "you are the traditional industry, I am the Internet, but I am a linker, you are not willing to be the linked."

This is a century about sharing, and building win-win platform, we should adapt the changes, and stay open to share.

My company intends to go IPO, which guide me to the capital market, and it’s also one reason I chose this program to make myself fully prepared for further challenges and opportunities. 

Once an entrepreneur criticized me: “you, MBA students, are too self-centered and profit-oriented, you only target high salary and career promotions.” I kept asking myself “are these the only purposes? Do we have any more greater responsibilities?”

I am sure everybody here has an answer for yourself: Why are we here to take the MBA program? 

We learned to be grateful, willing to share and contribute. We sharped our thinking, enjoyed brainstorming with each other, and we have better visions for future. More important, we have higher possibilities to take more responsibility to our society, creating values to the largest extent. 

I think today’s commencement is just the beginning of our journey, learning will never end... we will “Never stop improving ourselves.”

I hope, all of my friends here, become the industry leaders and outstanding entrepreneurs in the future, and again "you are the best".

Finally, I would like to say thanks to all of our family members, thanks for your support. Happy New Year, stay healthy and happy!


上海财经大学-美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财开元体育国际MBA项目,创办于1996年,是最早获教育部批准的中外合作学位教育项目之一,已连续20年招生。采用美式申请制,项目自主招生,无需参加全国联考,全面考核学员的综合素质,管理经验及英语应用能力,择优录取。 毕业后获美国硕士学位,中国教育部学历学位认证。


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