Paul Bon教授在国际MBA项目第十六届学员毕业典礼上的致辞



Dear guests, Vice President/Directors, students, staff, program Management and all others gathered here today; 




The title of my very small speech is:




To my students:




As you know there are two sides to the way human beings think about any issue. There is the rational, analytical, problem solving, side of our brains which may think: I need to study more, I need to work harder, I need to spend more time on my assignments”. But there is an emotional side that’s addicted to impulse and comfortable routines and that side wants: (just) to relax and have a good time! At work our rational side may say that we need to go different directions but our emotional side is comfortable with the old ways of thinking and doing and it has great anxiety about whether we can make the change.



A famous American psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, introduced the metaphor of the human being Riding atop an Elephant. The Rider decides I need to go somewhere, here is the direction, I want to go, and then sets off. But it is the Elephant the emotional side of us that’s providing the power.



And of course the Rider can try to lead the Elephant but in any direct contest of wills the Elephant is going to win: it has a six ton advantage!




This Rider-Elephant conflict is common to us all. If we want to make a change in our lives or bad habits we know that it is not enough for us to intellectually understand that we need to do things differently. We need to be motivated.




If the University changes the policy on plagiarism and cheating, will that change student’s behavior? If the teacher gives us more assignments will that make us work harder?






My experience have learned me: To make the change you will need to create “the feeling”. You will have to reach out to the Elephant.



Some teachers believe that in order to make students work you need to create what is called a “burning platform”. Make them scared. But fear is in fact the worst motivator it will drive us back to old types of behavior. You know what will happen if you threaten and punish an Elephant too much: you will end up as a splinter!



To make the change you will need to create Identity: “This is what people like us do in a situation like this” kind of approach.




There is no change without failures.




There is no way in a business, no way in study and no way in your private life you can jump straight from Planning to Brilliant Execution. Although we never see this in Management models there is a deep dark phase in between “the wandering around in the dark phase”.




It is at this point that a teacher needs to give support, change the conditions, tweak the environment and reach out to the Elephant. And it is at this point where a teacher has to not higher the bar but lower it.  So the Elephant will start moving again as long as it knows the direction, as long as it knows the path and as long as it can feel the progress.




Dear students, The Rider Elephant story very much applies to our 16 weeks Finance experience.  You knew the direction from the start but for most of you your Elephants got in the way and your work and private obligations created obstacles on the Path to success. After your mid exam score most of you wandered around in confusion.




So what did I do? I tweaked the environment. I lowered the bar. Your mid assignment score of FINC5000 was suddenly not set in cement but you could redo it and higher it for the final portfolio.  And I tried to reach out to your Elephant.



Some of you came to me and said. I feel I work very hard for this course but my mid term score is only 42 points. Great! I said you are already more than 40% on the way. Think about how far you have come from zero. You looked at me in disbelief. I told you that actually for me there are only 3 grades in this course: A, B and NY (Not Yet). Most of you found your Path actually was on a downward slope and easier to go….



I did not threaten any of you, and I did not punish any of you I praised you for your determination to concur and try to create the “this is what people like us do in a situation like this” identity.  It worked well for both of us; I survived and you came out stronger.



Dear students, dear Graduates, dear friends.  You made the change! You have reached the destination and I do hope your Rider and Elephant have enjoyed the journey.


There are many new journeys to come, there are many changes in front of you but remember in cases where you will find your Elephant is getting in the way of your success:



 Do I know the Destination? (Rider)
Do I know the Path?
Do I need to lower the bar?
Do I need to tweak the environment?
I need to get my Elephant moving
Once it’s moving at a six ton weight it will be hard to stop!
Remember: That is what people like you do; that is your identity!
Nothing is Impossible!


Thank you and my best wishes and Congratulations!





* 2014年上财开元体育国际MBA春季招生已启动!春季入学考试(I):3月16日星期日,6月14日正式开班授课。
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